
Parents - Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

February 26, 2020

Are you getting enough sleep?

Parenthood is tough on our sleeping habits, especially in the earlier years when your kids rely on you the most.  Many people will tell you, “sleep when the baby sleeps”, but that is easier said than done.  After all, who is going to prepare the meals, wash the clothes and clean down the high-chair and playmat?  Oh, and don’t even mention taking a shower and getting to work on time during the week. By the time you attempt to lie down for a few minutes on a Saturday afternoon, your kiddos are up from their naps!

And if you think it’s better for either stay at home parents or for working parents, I would caution you at making the comparison.  Both situations are exhausting, albeit in different ways.

While the logical solution for your exhaustion is to just ‘get more sleep’, that actually happening can sometimes seem impossible.  

Here are a few things to help me.

  • Vitamins – You don’t have to be pregnant to take prenatal vitamins.  They can fill in the gaps of your regular diet, helping to keep your energy level up. Dads - a good multi-vitamin can suffice.
  •  Clean house? - If your babies are under 2, drop your standards of having an uber-clean house.  Are your kiddos toddler age or older?  Teach them to pick up after themselves (make it fun by singing the “clean-up” song while picking up toys).  
  • If you can afford a weekly maid service, get them scheduled!
  • No caffeine after 12 pm – Caffeine later in the day makes it harder to wind down and fall asleep.
  • Limit screen time for yourself - Cut off-screen time (especially laptops, tablets, and cell phones) at least an hour before you plan to go to bed.
  • My friendly timesavers
    • Leftovers (Freshly home-cooked meals EVERY night – no!) 
    • GrubHub and UberEats have been lifesavers for our family
    • HEB Curbside and Kroger Clicklist (for grocery pickup and delivery)
  • Accept help – If you can’t afford a nanny, accept help from friends and family members.  They often offer, so take them up on the offers!  When you do, try not to be picky with the free help they are providing.  If your mother insists on bathing a certain way, let her do it!  If your teenage niece/nephew is grossed out from the thought of changing diapers, let them help by just entertaining the kiddos.  The grandparents want to take them to church one Sunday, stay home and catch a nap.

Although these suggestions can’t promise you better sleep, give them a try.  Hopefully, you will find that you get a little bit of time back to your self. Maybe then, you can fit in a 30-minute nap a few days in the week!