
Flu Season is Still Upon Us

February 26, 2020

There are still a couple of months left in the flu season.  Amongst my network of friends and family, this season seems to be one of the worse in several years.  

My husband and I attended a children’s birthday party in town with our two little ones a few weeks ago. The party was at an indoor playground just south of the city.  My 2-year-old really enjoyed herself, but my husband walked away with a little present he didn’t see coming – the flu virus.  With him feeling so crumby by Monday morning, I took him into an urgent care center where we found out he had picked up both the A and B strand of the virus.

We were lucky enough that he caught it fast and ‘quarantined’ himself in our guest room, keeping from infect the rest of the family.  In a conversation that week,I found out from the host of the party that at least 5 other party-goers contracted the flu virus.  

I have other friends that have also contracted the flu virus this season.  All of them are rather youthful and healthy. Some have kids, some don’t. Some had a flu shot, some did not.

If it hasn’t reached your home yet, thank your lucky stars.  And to help keep your luck running, consider the following:

  1. Watching your diet – Think variety, antioxidants, etc. This can help your body stay strong and less susceptible to viral infection.

  1. Vitamins – Taking a multivitamin helps boost your immune system 

  1. Sleep – Try to get enough (and make sure your spouse and children do as well).  Sleep deprivation weakens the immune system.

  1. Washing your hands – As simple as it sounds, MOST people (yes, even adults) don’t properly wash their hands.
    • With warm water
    • With soap (scrub, scrub, scrub), enough to create visible suds
    • 30-second rule (good for children to sing a song that lasts as long – or count to 30) 
    • Sanitizer wipes and sprays when washing is difficult  
    • Flu shot – it’s definitely not full proof but helps prevent the spread of certain strands of the virus.