
Ways To Support Katy Area Businesses During the Shutdown

Local businesses have been closed...which means now is the most important time to support them

By Sonja Nwabuoku - Publisher of Macaroni Kid | Katy April 1, 2020

The order to close businesses in Texas has left many of us asking how we can best support small businesses during this crisis. If you can financially do so, please consider going out of your way to support locally-owned businesses and organizations in the Katy area right now. Here are seven ideas on how to do just that:

1. Order takeout

Bars and restaurants have been ordered closed, but many are finding ways to offer takeout. Some are even offering delivery services for the first time. Call your favorite local restaurants or visit their Facebook pages to find out what alternatives they're offering customers.

2. Plan ahead

Have a birthday party to plan for later this year? Reserve a location or entertainer now. That support -- and a down payment! -- will give small business owners a boost during this uncertain time for them. 

3. Don't ask for your money back

Extracurriculars canceled? Gyms closed? Daycare shuttered? Consider asking for makeup classes or credit rather than asking for your money back. They need every penny you can afford to offer right now to stay solvent and pay employees.

4. Buy gift certificates

Almost any business will allow you to buy a gift certificate for later use. Most have online options. That will give them the cash they can use now to pay bills and employees, and you can look forward to spending it when restrictions have lifted. Gift certificates aren't just for restaurants -- think about businesses ranging from indoor playgrounds and swim instructional facilities to boutiques and bakeries.