
What's Your New Hobby/Skill - Courtesy of Quarantine?

Let us know what you've been up to. Post a pic!

By Sonja Nwabuoku - Publisher of Macaroni Kid | Katy May 19, 2020

Yes, Texas is getting back to some form of normalcy with many retail businesses and salons now open.  Next week, we will see phase 2 of reopening with additional business openings such as fitness facilities -- with abbreviated occupancy and safety guidelines, of course.

But this is all after more than 2 months of us being hunkered down at home.  While many have complained of boredom, homeschooling, and the lack of seeing loved ones, many of us have used this increased time at home to pick up new hobbies or skills.

One friend I spoke with recently decided to complete a professional certification in her field to make herself more marketable in the future. Another finally erected a website for his new business idea that he had been talking about for years.  Also, I have seen several people posting on social media about new Shopify or Etsy shops they have set up to sell handmade crafts they’ve made during this unprecedented time.

Many of us with time constraints may not have time to go back to school or start a new business, but we have been able to enjoy more face-time with our loved-ones or take more walks in the neighborhood.  I have managed to read a few more pages of a book I have been wanting to finish for the last several months now.  I’ve even thought about trying my hand at a small garden (very small).  We will see how that goes.

What about you?  What new hobby have you discovered?  Or, what relaxing stress reliever have you been able to incorporate into your weekly routine that you otherwise would not have found the time to do? 

Go to our Facebook or Twitter page and tell us all about it.  We want to hear what you have been up to.  No activity is too big or too small to share.  If you are making crafts, share pictures of your creations with us.  If it’s a good book you’ve curled up with, share the title!  We want to hear about it!